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  4. Beverley Minster from the Westwood. Watercolour 22 x 15 inch approx.

Beverley Minster from the Westwood. Watercolour 22 x 15 inch approx.


So, decided to try and play around a bit with different effects. So here is an alternative representation of Beverley Minster viewed from the Westwood. It shows exaggerated beams which could be sun beams falling from a coloured sky. It is an experiment which has promise. I may go more abstract soon to see what other effects I can achieve.

Today Z in her green tractor was cutting the grass. I remember her saying once that she did this carefully so as not to upset the skylarks. So she would rota areas to be cut, leave others and when cutting set the height well above any nesting birds. It must work as there are always numerous skylarks which are resident all year round. Walking through the grass before it is cut, avoiding where cattle have left reminders of their presence, I often see tiny, dark holes. At first I surmised these to be vole holes as ketstrals can now be seen hovering quite often. However, another explanation could be that they are small excavations caused by crows diggin

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