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  4. Cow parsley field, Beverley Minster, 12x10 inch, original oil.

Cow parsley field, Beverley Minster, 12x10 inch, original oil.


Second painting of Hall Garth field from the Minster. This time looking more to the right and including the overhanging branch. Met a couple from Chesterfield, their Lakeland terrier had died recently and it was good to see that George was allowing himself to be rubbed. This view of the buttercups and cow parsley is loosely painted so as to try and capture the 'feel' of the abundant flowering. Nearby, John Balman was having an exhibition at the Eastgate Gallery which I was prevented from attending due to the very hot weather, I did'nt want to leave George anywhere, even in the shade it was hot.
This is one of two similar paintings done from the south side of the Minster.
If you would like both, they will be available at a discounted rate.

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