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  4. Deep Dale near deserted Wharram Percy, A3 Print.

Deep Dale near deserted Wharram Percy, A3 Print.


This was an exploration, for me, a new path. I had heard of Deep Dale and thought it may be worth painting. As I set up lots of people walked past, including Sharon, who stopped to talk,telling me she is trying watercolour, and John who was walking with his daughter, who was in her first year at university. John himself was furloughed and I think, enjoying the experience. He had tackled the Wolds Way previously.
After walking George about a kilometre to the painting site, I secured him to a fence post, where he found a log which needed chewing. It caused me some concern because every now and then he would pick the log up and exuberantly 'worry it' which brought it very close to both my legs and the... tripod, with the paint box on top.

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