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  4. Track to Lavendar Dale, Yorkshire Wolds. Oil on canvas board, 12x10 inch.

Track to Lavendar Dale, Yorkshire Wolds. Oil on canvas board, 12x10 inch.


This painting shows a chalk track used by farmers. It leads to a hidden Dale, Lavendar Dale. The ash tree along the track is suffering from ash dieback, the left hand side is quite devoid of leaves. This is yet another example of a sick ash tree. We are losing too many. Lavendar Dale is a delightful one to visit and the walk can easily be extended to reach Blanch Farm. Where you have the option to turn north or south. The field adjoining the path has just been dressed and harrowed with an application of organic manure. Elsewhere there remains much to do, crops need harvesting and, as I write this, I notice that the weather over the next few days will be excellent, sunny and dry meaning that at last, progress can be made

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