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  4. Above Thixendale. Yorkshire Wolds 3x2 feet original.

Above Thixendale. Yorkshire Wolds 3x2 feet original.


I returned to the car and after several stops to check views I found myself here, above the village of Thixendale. I stop just before Martinholme Farm and walk George towards Long Dale. A stoat, which does not see me straight away, is running towards me, before stopping and looking, bandit faced, it pauses then about turns and hustles off. To my right I spot a roe deer running through some brush. Returning to the car I give George a drink then set up my French easel and canvas. I will again use only the three primaries, plus white. I sketch out the view and G comes up to have a chat, I smile as I think of Rigoletto. It is so good to meet local people and learn a little more about the area, so thankyou G for sharing.

Three x two feet professional grade canvas, painted with artisan oil paints, completely plein air.

PS...stopped to check dew ponds, lots of newts about, skaters, diving beetles and whirligigs.

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